Sunday, April 3, 2011

What is meant by the vow of Poverty?

What is meant by the vow of Poverty?

"By the vow of Poverty the religious sacrifices all exterior gift of earthly riches, by the vow of Chastity, all personal gifts of the body, by the vow of Obedience, all intimate gifts of the soul. Thus he surrenders all that he has and all that he is." Poverty is the perpetual holocaust of man's right to dispose freely of his property. "Go sell all you have and come follow Me." This was Our Lord's invitation to a life of poverty. Poverty as practiced in the religious state means that the religious possesses nothing of her own. Everything she has, including the clothes on her back are the common property of all her sisters, and their property hers. St. Bernard says the religious must treat the possessions of the house as sacred vessels. In effect this means that she must make the best use of what she is given to use. Especially since her vow gives it the value of a prayer. She must expect to be called to account for her stewardship, and likewise to ask permission for the use of everything beyond her charge. Nor can she dispose of or accept anything outside the house without permission. It is very humbling to ask for or accept charity. It is even more difficult to see something you have grown attached to (a piece of furniture, picture, book. etc.). no matter how trifling, appropriated for another's use. Although this may appear harsh. consider that it also relieves the religious from anxiety over the management of her affairs, as well as for providing for her own material needs which are amply supplied by her Institute. It also frees her from many temptations to selfishness or covetousness. and being detached from the things of earth she may cling tighter to those of heaven. "A religious Order can be recognized as long as it bears the stamp of poverty: people honor it with their confidence and God is glorified. But let this stamp disappear and only the semblance of an Order can be seen; people shun it and the name of God is blasphemed. States lay down wealth as the foundation of their prosperity; but for you. Religious, understand it well. the necessary foundation of your perfection. the safeguard of your Order, is poverty." (Venerable. Bede) "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

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